Monthly Archives: August 2015

KEKO Says…..File Your Taxes

Failure to File Penalty….    5% per month up to a maximum of 25%.

Failure to Pay Penalty…..   .5% per month up to a maximum of 25%

That means without regard to interest…. after 50 months of non-filing, you have added 50% to what you owe.

File your tax return…don’t pay it if you don’t have the cash to pay it, work out an installment agreement.  But ignoring it will do nothing but make your problem bigger…at least 25% bigger just by being 5 months late…

Filing your taxes is really about life….run AT the problem, not away from it.  It is far better to file your tax return and have it filed among million of tax returns than to wait until the IRS is demanding it and have to turn it in to someone that will give it scrutiny.

That’s all I got for now.

I said it…and that’s that. Smile, make a difference, go support live music. I am outta here. KEKO



KEKO Says…. Does Working Hard Pay Off?

I am a worker.  I always have been.  I had my first job when I was 15 years old, maybe 14 years old.  It has been so long that I can’t remember if it was at the Colonade or at Consuelos Mexican Restaurant.  I have never not had a job.  It is a lengthy list prior to working in a CPA firm including: Econobake, Radiant Tire, Allied Tire, Tire Kingdom, The Verandah, RG’s City Center, Lowry Park Zoo, and I honestly cannot remember where else. Even when I first interned/worked for a firm, I worked hard and diligently.  When I worked my way up and became a manager, I moved to another firm as a manager.  I still moonlighted doing accounting work for another CPA firm, I did work on the side, whatever it took to get to a place where I could jump out on my own.

I have worked like a dog for as long as I could remember, sometimes getting up at 1 or 2am to go work.  Do whatever it takes is the way I looked at it…..push your chips in, sacrifice when you need to, do it yourself if you don’t have the money to pay someone to do it and create some sweat equity.  My first office I ever owned…I helped frame the walls, set the roof trusses, and shingled the roof.  I tiled the floors, laid down wood floors, painted everything, put down the trim and irrigation system, it has always been do whatever it takes.

So here is the question…..DOES WORKING HARD PAY OFF?  Answer….it depends.

Working hard does not automatically lead to success….. but being lazy is almost a guarantee that you won’t find success.  So what really is success?


1.  The favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals.

2.  The attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.

So success is not just money….it really has to do with one’s goals.

I said it…and that’s that. Smile, make a difference, go support live music. I am outta here.