Monthly Archives: July 2015

KEKO Says….. Follow Your Dreams

KEKO Says….  Follow your dreams. If you have a goal, and you want to achieve it, then work hard and do everything you can to get there, and one day it will come true. ~ Lindsey Vonn

I am an optimist.  In fact, I may be the ultimate optimist because I believe everything is within your ability to accomplish….. IF you properly chase the dream.  What does that mean?  That means you have to develop a complete plan of action to accomplish what you want to make happen.

First, your plan must be realistic in terms of it being within the possibility of possible outcomes.  One cannot have any possibility be a world class hockey player if they do not have the natural talent to play hockey.  So you have to keep it real.

Secondly, you have to be willing to undertake reasonable steps to get where you need to get.  Whether that is by taking lessons, or becoming intellectually skilled at whatever is necessary to take those steps.  It may involve years of college, or years of vocal lessons, or art lessons, for example, if that is what is necessary.

Lastly is the hard part….the hard work that can help one go from being average to being great.  Relentless work ethic in my opinion, goes hand in hand with accomplishments.

Three last pieces of advice….

– Chase the dream, never the money.  If you design your career or future around your pursuit of the almighty buck, you may get there but you may find misery along with the money.

–  If your plan isn’t working, you don’t need to ride the ship to the bottom of the sea.  Take a step back, try and look at the progress realistically, and revise the plan.  Waiting too long to abandon or revise the plan can be deathly.

–  There is no guarantee you will find success if you get up off the couch and bust it… but I will guarantee you won’t find it if you remain seated on the couch.

That’s all I got for now.

I said it…and that’s that. Smile, make a difference, go support live music. I am outta here. KEKO


KEKO Says….. How I See Things

KEKO Says….I am different. I must be. There seems to be far too many of you that see things differently than I do. I was born in a generation of personal responsibility. I don’t look to the government to fix or solve my problems. I don’t look to them to provide for my future or retirement. I just don’t. And I won’t.  I don’t look to the government to pay my bills, determine my rate of pay or provide two weeks of paid vacation. I don’t and I won’t. Ever.

I have told my children their whole lives to do the same and have led by example: the way I get up and bust my ass each and every day to create a future for myself and to provide for my family. I have reinforced it to them a thousand times over to not focus on what others have, but to spend their energy and effort and make it their own responsibility for what they are going to have. Who cares what the “rich” have? Most of those folks have worked very hard to have what they have and deserve every bit of it.  I expect my children to be productive contributing members of society and to be self sufficient. I believe in this one statement with all my heart and person…If it’s to be, its up to me.

Maybe I am just old and set in my ways and beliefs. But I am good with that, because I know I am right. I just am.

One added thought. You never know what people have gone through and what sacrifices they made to get to where they are. So don’t assume anything, ask them if you want to know.

That’s all I got for now.

I said it…and that’s that. Smile, make a difference, go support live music. I am outta here. KEKO


KEKO Says….. Responsibility For Your Situation

We are all tired of the blame game.  It’s the economy, it’s the job market, it’s the politicians, it’s the President….. It’s not any of the above….

Responsibility is defined:

: the state of being the person who caused something to happen

: a duty or task that you are required or expected to do

: something that you should do because it is morally right, legally required, etc.

How about this…… Try taking some responsibility for your situation, your career, your finances, and your relationships.  If you don’t like the way things are going, put it on your shoulders to make some changes in your life.   It is never too late to make a career change, it is never too late to move in a different direction.  You just have to change the way you are looking at things to be able to move forward in a new direction.

You can address this really simply each and every day…. go in the bathroom….look in the mirror….and repeat after me… “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.”  And it is.

That’s all I got for now.

I said it…and that’s that. Smile, make a difference, go support live music. I am outta here. KEKO